To be a World-class hub for interdisciplinary education and research programs in microbial pathogenesis, infections diseases, and immunology improve human health.


  • To provide outstanding education, conduct transformative research and apply microbiological knowledge to improve public health and environmental well – being.
  • To promote critical thinking, research skills and practical laboratory experience and apply the same in health of the patients.

S.No.Name of the StaffPhotographQualificationDesignationReg No
1Dr Syed Shafeequr RahmanMDProfessor & HODHMC10550
2Dr Sanjeev D RaoMDProfessorTSMC/FMR/00371
3Dr. S Jayaprakash RaoMDProfessor12626/HMC
4Dr.M Hima BinduM.Sc, P.hDProfessor-
5Dr.V DeepaliMDProfessorTSMC/FMR/15752
6Dr.K Rajeshwar ReddyM.Sc/P.hDProfessor-
7Mrs.V ShravaniM.ScAssistant Professor-
8Dr. M Sai SindhuMDAssistant ProfessorTSMC/FMR/01039
9Dr. Sabina AnsariMDAssistant ProfessorTSMC/FMR/03837
10Dr.A Charita LathaMBBSTutorTSMC/FMR/11891
11Dr.E PratihimaMBBSTutor64947
12Dr. Bonda Rosilin Manikya KumariMBBSTutorAPMC/FMR/83454
13Dr. K Akshatha ReddyMBBSTutorTSMC/FMR/08796
14Dr. Ayesha AreejMBBSTutorTSMC/FMR/28072
15Dr. Ghousia SultanaMBBSTutorAPMC/FMR/89115
16Dr. M RaniMBBSTutorTSMC/FMR/08252
17Dr.Itha Keerthi ReddyMBBSTutorTSMC/FMR/12266
18Dr.B Vinod KumarMBBSTutorTSMC/FMR/10765
19Dr.Richard Anil Kumar BMBBSTutorTSMC/FMR/23232
20Dr.Ala Vishal ReddyMBBSTutorTSMC/FMR/23232
21Dr.Aggadi UpendarMBBSTutorTSMC/FMR/28314

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