
Dr. V. Visweswara Sastry
(Professor & Head of Department)


Physiology is a branch of science that deals with the general concepts and biophysical and biochemical principles that are basic to the function of all the systems. Medicine is an ever-changing science. As new research and clinical experience broaden our knowledge, changes in treatment and drug therapy are required.

In Human Physiology, we attempt to explain the specific characteristics and mechanisms of the human body that make it a living being. The very fact that we remain alive is almost beyond our control, for, hunger makes us seek food and fear makes us seek refuge. Sensations of cold make us look for warmth. Other forces cause us to seek fellowship and to reproduce. Thus, the human being is actually an automaton, and the fact that we are sensing, feeling, and knowledgeable beings is part of this automatic sequence of life; these special attributes allow us to exist under widely varying conditions which physiologists term as HOMEOSTASIS.

We feel that the teacher of physiology in a medical school owes it to his or her students, to emphasize those aspects of the subject which will throw light upon functions and disorders and train them well in approach towards the diagnosis and treatment of disease. The physiologist, can, in this way play a part in giving the student and physician a vantage point from which he may gain a rational view of pathological processes”.


  • HEMATOLOGY LABORATORY → It has a Spacious Hall with 64 Microscopes and accommodates 60 students at a time.
  • HUMAN CLINICAL LABORATORY → This Lab is well equipped with modern facilities and accommodates 30 students at a time.

  • AMPHIBIAN LABORATORY → This lab has a Specious Hall with 16 Kymographs, and accommodates 60 students at a time.

  • PG RESEARCH LABORATORY fully established.

  • DEPARTMENTAL LIBRARY: A library containing 90 books and it has a capacity of 25 members at a time. It is well ventilated.

  • DEMONSTRATION ROOMS: Department has 2 Demonstration Rooms with well equipped technology and has modern facilities to take classes with LCD Projectors, OHP and Computer. It has a Capacity of 90 students at a time.


Experienced and enthusiastic faculties for each and every subject recruited from reputed colleges, universities and well known educational institutions.
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