Value Added Courses

Academic Year (2019-20)

S.No Name of the value added courses (with 15 or more contact hours)offered Course Code (if any) Year of offering No. of times offered during the same year Duration of course Number of students enrolled in the year Number of Students completing the course in the year Brochures & Certificates Students Enrolled
1 Mindfulness for medical Undergraduates VM06 2019-2020 150 146 View File View File
2 Ethics in Medicine VM07 2019-2020 75 70 View File View File
3 Nutrition- Healthy eating for Healthy living VM08 2019-2020 150 140 View File View File
4 Gender Sensitization VM09 2019-2020 86 82 View File View File
5 Lactation Counselling VM10 2019-2020 67 65 View File View File
6 Professionalism VM11 2019-2020 85 83 View File View File
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